Call For Board Nominations
The ECU Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the Board of Directors.
According to minimum requirements set by the Texas Credit Union Department and ECU policy, a director must be:
- An ECU primary member in good standing*
- At least 21 years of age
- Willing to commit the necessary time to fulfill the duties of the position
- Dedicated to the purposes of credit unions and ECU
- Able to maintain a good credit standing
- Willing to maintain ongoing training standards and requirements
- Someone who has not been employed by ECU in the last two years and is not currently employed by ECU
To Apply:
Fill out a Director Application and Agreement to Serve form found on the ECU website. Packets can also be picked up at our Operations Center by calling 806-358-7777 and speaking to: Lindsey Murphy, Ext 207 or Marcus Smith, Ext 239.
All Applicants Must:
- Complete a Director Application and Agreement to Serve Form**
- Provide a short biography
- Disclose your preferred board position
Deadline to Apply:
- Return completed materials to the Nominating Committee by Friday, November 29, 2024 by 5:00pm at ECU’s Operations Center: 6203 Hillside Rd., Amarillo, TX 79109.
- After consideration, the Nominating Committee selects and publishes the names of the nominees. After receiving at least one nominee per open position there will be no nominations accepted from the floor during ECU’s Annual Meeting. If there is only one nominee for a position, the board president will declare a general consensus, and no vote will be conducted. For positions with more than one nominee, a ballot vote will be conducted.
Terms Expiring in 2025:
- Place 7, Daniel Coward
- Place 8, Steve West
- Place 9, Kent Hargis
The elections will be conducted at our Annual Meeting on Saturday April 12, 2025 at 10 a.m. at AmTech Career Academy
*Primary member is defined as having a share savings account in their name, using their social security number. **Required by the Texas Credit Union Department.