

Share Savings (Minimum earning balance $100.00)

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
$0 to $99.99Monthly0.00%
$100.00 to $4,999.99Monthly0.15%
$5,000.00 to $24,999.99Monthly0.20%
$25,000.00 to $49,999.99Monthly0.25%
$50,000.00 and upMonthly0.30%

Additional Savings (Minimum earning balance $100.00)

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
$0 to $99.99Monthly0.00%
$100.00 to $4,999.99Monthly0.05%
$5,000.00 to $24,999.99Monthly0.05%
$25,000.00 to $49,999.99Monthly0.10%
$50,000.00 and upMonthly0.15%

Summer Pay (Minimum earning balance $10.00)

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
All BalancesMonthly0.20%

Deposit Savings (Minimum earning balance $25.00)

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
All BalancesMonthly0.20%

H&H Legacy Super Share Account

Pay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield

*Prospective Rates and Annual Percentage Yields, effective as of January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice.

$mart Checking

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
Standard Rate: $1,000 and upMonthly0.10%
Bonus Rate: $50,000 and belowMonthly5.00%

Interest Checking, Golden Apple Checking, Red Apple Checking

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
$900.00 to $2,499.99Monthly0.05%
$2,500.00 and upMonthly 0.05%

*Prospective Rates and Annual Percentage Yields, effective as of January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice.

Certificates of Deposit (Minimum Earning Balance $500.00)

TermPayment FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
6 MonthAt Maturity4.00%
12 MonthAt Maturity 4.25%
24 MonthAt Maturity3.00%
36 MonthAt Maturity3.00%
60 MonthAt Maturity2.50%

*Prospective Rates and Annual Percentage Yields, effective as of January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice. Rates are paid at maturity, penalty for early withdrawal. Minimum opening balance of $500.00 on all CD’s.

**APY=Annual Percentage Yield.

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
$0.00 and upMonthly0.20%

*Prospective Rates and Annual Percentage Yields, effective as of January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice. (Early withdrawal penalties may apply.)

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
$25.00 to $9,999.99Monthly0.50%
$10,000 and upMonthly1.00%

*Prospective Rates and Annual Percentage Yields, effective as of January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice. Early withdrawal penalties may apply.

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
$25.00 to $9,999.99Monthly0.50%
$10,000.00 and upMonthly1.00%

*Prospective Rates and Annual Percentage Yields, effective as of January 2, 2025.

Money Market

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
$0.00 to $25.00Monthly0.00%
$500.00 to $24,999.99Monthly 0.40%
$25,000.00 to $49,999.99Monthly 0.50%
$50,000.00 to $99,999.99Monthly0.60%
$100,000.00 and upMonthly0.70%

* $500 minimum opening account balance.

Super Money Market

Minimum Earning BalancePay FrequencyAnnual Percentage Yield
$25.00 to $2,499.99Monthly0.00%
$2,500.00 to $24,999.99
$25,000.00 to $49,999.99Monthly1.85%
$50,000.00 to $99,999.99Monthly1.95%
$100,000.00 to $149,999.99Monthly2.15%
$150,000.00 to $159,999.99Monthly2.15%
$160,000.00 and upMonthly2.15%

*$25,000 minimum opening account balance.

*Prospective Rates and Annual Percentage Yields, effective as of January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice.


NewTermAnnual Percentage Rate As Low AsDaily Periodic Rate
New/Used 2025 to 2021 Year Old Models
Up to 60 months5.99%0.016411%
61-72 months5.99%0.016411%
73-84 months6.74%0.018466%

UsedTermAnnual Percentage Rate As Low AsDaily Periodic Rate
Used 2020 to 2016 Year Old ModelsUp to 60 months6.74%0.018466%
Used 2020 to 2016Up to 72 months6.99%0.019151%

*Stated Annual Percentage Rates are with approved credit and includes all loyal member loan rate discounts, effective January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice.

25-day grace period on all Visa accounts. Minimum monthly payment equal to 3% of balance or $18, whichever is greater. ATM cash advance on PIN number.

VISA Platinum Cash RewardsAnnual Percentage RateDaily Periodic Rate
Standard Rate Purchases11.49% to 17.75%.032849% to .048630%
Late Fee - If a payment is 10 days or more past due, you wil be charged a Late Payment Fee of $25.00
Return Check Fee - $24.00

*Stated Annual Percentage Rates are with approved credit, effective as of January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice.

New vehicles costing $30,000 or more may be financed up to 84 months with approved credit.

NewTermAnnual Percentage Rate As Low AsDaily Periodic Rate
2025 to 2021 Year Old ModelsUp to 60 months6.99%0.019151%
61-72 months7.49%0.020521%
73-84 months7.99%0.021890%
UsedTermAnnual Percentage Rate As Low AsDaily Periodic Rate
2020 to 2010 Year Old ModelsUp to 60 months8.49%0.023260%
2020 to 2016 Year Models61-72 months9.24%0.025315%

*Stated Annual Percentage Rates are with approved credit and includes all loyal member loan rate discounts, effective as of January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice.

Rate is Variable adjusted quarterly.

Extra Credit LOCTermAnnual Percentage Rate As Low AsDaily Periodic Rate
UnsecuredOpen End12.00%.032878%
Personal Loans, Household Goods,
Electronic, Cosmetic, Lasik, Wedding, Vacation
TermAnnual Percentage Rate As Low AsDaily Periodic Rate
Unsecured Up to 72 months11.00%.030899%
New Teacher LoanTermAnnual Percentage Rate As Low AsDaily Periodic Rate
Unsecured1-36 months7.50%0.020548%

*Stated Annual Percentage Rates are with approved credit and includes all loyal member loan rate discounts, effective as of January 2, 2025, which are subject to change without notice.

NewTermAnnual Percentage Rate As Low AsDaily Periodic Rate
2025 to 2021 Year Old ModelsUp to 60 Months6.99%0.019151%
61-84 Months7.99%0.021890%
Only Motorhomes, Travel Trailers & 5th Wheels85-120 Months8.49%0.023260%
Only Motorhomes, Travel Trailers & 5th Wheels121-180 Months9.24%0.025315%
Only Motorhomes, Travel Trailers & 5th Wheels181-240 Months9.74%0.026685%
UsedTermAnnual Percentage Rate As Low AsDaily Periodic Rate
2020 to 2010 Year Old ModelsUp to 60 Months7.99%0.0218904%
61-84 Months8.74%0.023945%
Only Motorhomes, Travel Trailers, & 5th Wheels85-120 Months9.49%0.026000%
Only Motorhomes, Travel Trailers, & 5th Wheels121-180 Months10.24%0.028055%

*Stated Annual Percentage Rates are with approved credit and includes all loyal member loan rate discounts, effective as of January 2, 2025. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

Contact the credit union to check daily rates. Contact our Mortgage Department by email or call 806.358.7777 X473 to apply for a first mortgage purchase or refinance.