VISA Debit Card

Wherever you see the VISA® logo, use your ECU debit card. Your card can be used like a check, credit card, cash, or ATM card. Use it at the gas pump, the checkout line, your favorite restaurant, ATM machine cash withdrawals, or on-line purchases.

  • Custom card designs for your favorite local school
  • Instant Issued debit cards
  • EMV chip technology for added security
  • Fraud monitoring
  • Automatically deducts from your checking account
  • No monthly fee
  • No annual fee
  • VISA buyer protections

Lost or stolen VISA® debit cards must be reported immediately to any ECU location at 806-358-7777 or 800-687-8144.

After hours, you may report a lost or stolen VISA® debit card by calling 800-472-3272. If you call after hours, please report your lost or stolen card to ECU the next business day.

No-Fee Locations
Ask for cash back when using your debit card. Many merchants will not charge a cash-back fee.

Stay Informed with VISA Purchase Alerts
Get a text or email whenever you pay.
Go to <link> and in three easy steps, enroll your ECU Visa debit card(s) and your ECU Visa credit card(s).

See Set-Up Steps Below:
Step 1: Check to see if your ECU card is eligible.
Step 2: Register your mobile device and email to receive Visa Purchase Alerts.
Step 3: Choose the notification triggers that match your needs.

Visa Purchase Alert Triggers

  • Reaching a purchase amount threshold.
  • International purchases.
  • Purchases made on the internet or over the phone.

Excess Share Insurance Corporation provides up to an additional $250,000 of insurance per membership.

Learn More About ESI.