Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

Education Credit Union now allows you the opportunity to file your taxes for free with the assistance of a Volunteer Tax Preparer certified by the IRS.

The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program enables our trained team members to prepare, review, and file your taxes in accordance with Federal Tax Law.

Visit any of our four VITA sites throughout the Amarillo and Canyon community and our certified volunteers will be ready to help qualifying families file their taxes free of charge.

You can file your taxes with a certified preparer at either one of our Canyon locations, our AmTech branch, or our branch located at Amarillo College’s Washington Street campus.

Walk-ins are now welcome at any of the branches listed above or you can request an appointment here:

  • Original and current proof of identification (photo ID) for you and your spouse (VITA is unable to file taxes for married couples that are filing separately)
  • Original Social Security cards for you, your spouse and dependents, or a Social Security number verification letter issued by the Social Security Administration
  • Birthdates for you, your spouse and dependents on the tax return
  • Wage and earnings statements (W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, 1099-Misc. forms) from all employers
  • Unemployment benefits (Form 1099-G)
  • Interest and dividend statements from banks (Form 1099)
  • A copy of last year’s federal and state returns, if available
  • Proof of bank account, routing and account numbers for direct deposit
  • To file taxes electronically on a Married Filing Jointly tax return, both spouses must be present to sign required forms
  • Total paid for day care provider and the day care provider’s tax identifying number, such as their Social Security number or business Employer Identification Number
  • Forms 1095-A, B or C, Affordable Health Care Statements
  • If you’re an identity-theft victim, bring your current IRS PIN letter
  • If you do not have a Social Security number, an official Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) assignment letter may be used for you, your spouse and dependents
  • Official proof of foreign status if applying for an ITIN
  • Copies of income transcripts from IRS and state, if applicable
  • The VITA face-to-face option began in 2003.
  • Taxes are filed free of charge by IRS-trained volunteers.
  • Taxpayers who earn $65,000 or less qualify for this tax assistance program.
  • The VITA program offers a face-to-face meeting with a trained tax preparer at four of our designated locations across the Amarillo and Canyon area. Dial 211 for a site near you and dates and times.
  • Earned Income Tax Credit is a federal tax credit for low- and moderate-income community members.
  • This credit supports working taxpayers and helps offset federal payroll and income taxes.
  • This tax credit may help taxpayers get an additional refund.

*For qualifying households.
**If you are filing as a married couple, both taxpayers need to be present.

Tax filing for Married Filing Separate, Out of State, Rental Properties or Self-Employment Income with expenses of more than $35,000 is not supported with VITA. Copies of Social Security cards, IDs, ITINs or previous tax returns will not be accepted.

VITA Tax Prep Appointment Form

Please review and complete this agreement.

Upon receiving your appointment request, we will contact you at the phone number you provide to confirm the date and time of your appointment, and review the documentation required. Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time so you can complete the 13614-C Intake Form. All taxpayers filing with the VITA program must complete the Intake Form.

Please be aware that certain filing conditions may fall outside of the scope of our volunteer preparers, and you may be referred to a professional tax preparer. If you have questions about whether or not our volunteers can assist you, please call 806-358-7777 and ask to speak with a certified VITA Volunteer.

If your appointment is at our AmTech location, please note:

*There are no restrooms available to the public at our AmTech location.
**Our AmTech branch is open in accordance with AISD, which may be different from our standard branch hours.