ECU’s Podcast | The Core
Join your host and Financial Health Coordinator Colten Hibbs, as he welcomes both community members and ECU team members to discuss crucial topics like building credit, navigating retirement planning, and honing effective saving strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting your economic journey, “The Core” has something for everyone. Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complex world of banking and take control of your financial future, one episode at a time!
Season 2
Episode 1: The Benefits of a Financial Planner
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs visits with Cathy Wilson, a certified financial planner at C.S. Wilson & Associates. The two discuss the role of a financial planner, popular services at C.S. Wilson & Associates, and common misconceptions about financial planning.
Episode 2: Budgeting for Back-to-School Expenses
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs visits with Katy Baria, a teacher at Palo Duro High School. The two discuss the ins and outs of budgeting for back-to-school expenses. Katy provides saving strategies and local resources for both teachers and parents to manage their expenses with ease.
Episode 3: Ways to Improve your Credit Score
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs visits with Alissa Coffman, Assistant Branch Manager at our Hillside branch. The two discuss all things credit score. Alissa provides valuable insight on what factors influence a credit score, how a person can check their score, and most importantly, ways ECU can help members improve their score.
Episode 4: Financial Tips for Recent College Graduates
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs visits with Kelly Steelman, Director of Financial Aid at Amarillo College. The two discuss financial tips for recent college graduates. Kelly provides useful advice for graduates about paying off loans, building an emergency fund, and transitioning from a part-time position to a full-time career.
Episode 5: Having Fun on a Budget
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs visits with Bryce Wiginton, a teller intern at our Buff $mart branch. The two discuss how to have fun on a budget. Bryce provides several recommendations for low-cost community events and activities, as well as advice on how to maintain social connections without breaking the bank.
Episode 6: Navigating the Costs of College
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs visits with Meghan Williams, Program Coordinator of the Buff $mart Program at West Texas A&M University. The two discuss the best ways to navigate the costs of college. Meghan provides details concerning tuition costs, financial aid packages, and repaying student loan debt.
Season 1
Episode 1: What are the Benefits of Banking at a Credit Union?
On this episode of The Core, Financial Educator Colten Hibbs and his guests, Claudia Burkett and Tina Hunter, shed light on what it means to work for a credit union. Our guests discuss how these institutions go beyond finances by shaping communities and fostering meaningful relationships with members.
Episode 2: What Accounts Are Right For You?
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs and his guest, Melissa Gutierrez, Director of Retail Operations at Education Credit Union, discuss the best ways to understand what accounts are right for you. Melissa provides unique insight on the best products at ECU, and further, how ECU develops products to better benefit members and their needs.
Episode 3: Keeping Yourself Cyber-Safe
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs and his guest, Jennifer Ufford, Senior Vice President of Member Experience at Education Credit Union, discuss cybersecurity. Jennifer provides unique insight on the best ways for members to protect themselves against identity theft, fraud, spoofing, and other cyber-attacks.
Episode 4: The Best Steps to a Happy Retirement
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs and his guest, Laura Rea, Buff$mart Assistant Branch Manager, talk through the best steps to achieve a happy retirement. Laura acknowledges common struggles and concerns about retirement, as well as her personal hopes for when she leaves the workplace.
Episode 5: What Do I Need to Know About Home Loans?
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs and his guest, Brittnie Aguirre, ECU’s Mortgage Manager, converse about all things home loans. Brittnie supplies helpful information about the difference between conventional and government mortgages and what credit score and DTI (debt-to-income) ratio are preferred by most lenders.
Episode 6: Tax-Season Essentials
On this episode of The Core, Colten Hibbs and his guest, Amy McClenny, ECU’s Assistant Branch Manager of the AmTech branch, discuss tax-season essentials. Amy provides information on why the general public must pay taxes, how those taxes are used, and finally, how ECU can help members file their taxes for free.